Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst is an amazing young actress who started her career when she was only a little girl. The critics loved her in her first film 'Interview with a Vampire'. I, myself have seen the film and was amazed that a young girl could play such a heavy role! As proven, she is a complete natural in preforming. Although, I do not know much about Kirsten, what I know is this, she is a wonderful actress who gives life to a charator. Her role in 'Spider-man' when she played Mary Jane Watson, she made that charactor come to life in the movie. I hope all of you are as in complete aw as I am about how she made the charactor seem real. I am looking foward to seeing more of her work.
Facts about Kirsten:
Full name:Kirsten Caroline Dunst
Birthdate: April 30, 1982
Birthplace: Point Pleasant, New Jersey
Claim to Fame: 1994: First feature-film role as Claudia in Interview with the Vampire
Father: Klaus, medical-services exec; stationed in New Jersey while the rest of his family lives on the West Coast; separated from Dunst's mother
Mother: Inez, former art-gallery owner
Brother: Christian, born 1987